Created To Be Loved is a safe space for women to be vulnerable with one another. This is the perfect place to share stories, experiences, and dreams with like-minded individuals who are ready to learn, grow, and heal together.


Created To Be Loved creates intentional and authentic spaces for women to heal from brokenness, discover identity, walk in purpose, grow in faith, and cultivate lasting friendships. Through the love of Jesus, art, and storytelling, we exist to empower, inspire, and encourage you to be who God created you to be.


We envision reaching women throughout the world for Jesus. We hope to create safe spaces beginning with Los Angeles and spreading globally through our online platforms and future locations. Women will be healed, set free, find their identity, walk in purpose, and cultivate authentic friendships.


Heart of gratitude.

We believe that it is a privilege to know God and be loved by Him. Everything we do comes from a place gratitude for the love and grace He has shown us.

Resilient dependecy.

We no longer sit in our comfort zones but overcome every challenge that comes our way because we know the God we serve can do it all.

Seek first His kingdom.

We believe that nothing can be done without God. That is why we always put Him first, believing that everything else will be added.

Confident boldness.

God says, “Do not be afraid.” We take His word seriously and do everything with a sense of confidence in who God is.

Compassionate empathy.

We show compassion from a place of understand and not judgement.

Humility in grace.

Only through humility can we achieve what God has for us. We believe that a humble heart can lead to an abundant life.

The Word of God is the foundation of Created To Be Loved. Nothing can be done without the hand of God upon this ministry. The following Scriptures are the what we reference to remind ourselves of why we are doing what we do.

  • 1 John 4:7-21; 17:22-24

  • Matthew 12:30-31

  • Psalm 126; 147:3; 139:14

  • 1 Peter 2: 9

  • Ephesian 2:10