Love Notes Blog

Sharing stories of resilience to inspire, encourage, and empower you to become the woman God created you to be. May you discover hope, healing, and encounter the redeeming love of the One True Living God. 

Encounter God's Redeeming Love Sarahi Gonzalez Encounter God's Redeeming Love Sarahi Gonzalez

No Greater Love

In a world where love is often conditional, the love of God stands apart—an immeasurable gift freely given. The Creator of the universe calls us His children, not because of anything we have done, but because of His deep, unshakable love. There is no greater love than this—a love that seeks us out in our brokenness, invites us into His family, and calls us by name. When we grasp the fullness of His love, it changes everything. It transforms our hearts, renews our minds, and gives us the strength to walk in confidence, knowing we are cherished beyond measure.

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Inspiring Stories Sarahi Gonzalez Inspiring Stories Sarahi Gonzalez

Mimi’s Story

Read Mimi's beautiful and heartwarming story of her encounter with God's redeeming love. Her journey begins with a Buddhist background and continues with her newfound identity and purpose in Jesus. Follow her kingdom business on Instagram @savedbychristdesignshop

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Sarahi Gonzalez Sarahi Gonzalez

Love Notes Guiding Questions

Created To Be Loved is based off of 1 John 4:19 and Mathew 22:37-39. Read guiding questions that can help you write a blog based on God's love.

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Sarahi Gonzalez Sarahi Gonzalez

You are loved

God thought of you before He created the universe. You are His beloved. He adores you more than you can ever realize.

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Sarahi Gonzalez Sarahi Gonzalez

Welcome to Love Notes <3

Learn more about my testimony and my heart behind Created To Be Loved, a business centered around the redeeming love of Jesus, whose love has the power to heal all brokenness in women.

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Share your unique story.

Bring transformation to women.

You are valuable and your story is so important. Your experiences, struggles, failures, mistakes, victories, transformations, knowledge, wisdom, culture, dreams, and interests have shaped you into the woman that you are today. You are unique. You are so worthy of being known. You deserve to share your story with the world and be recognized for the incredible woman that you are.

Your story can bring transformation and healing to someone who may need what you have to share with her. She might be struggling with the very thing that you have already overcome. You can give her your wisdom and guide her toward a better future. She needs you and she is waiting to hear your story. 

I want to give you the opportunity to share your story and demonstrate the beautiful transformative love of Jesus through your unique experiences. My desire is to elevate your voice and empower you to be unashamed of your beautiful story. You do not need to be healed or have it all figured out. Share your story anyway! There is power in that. I want to showcase imperfect, authentic, genuine women that are overcoming every single day and never give up, even when it seems hopeless.

Get in touch.

Do you want to share your story and encourage others? I am seeking women who are courageous enough to take the first step by writing about a part of their story for the Love Notes blog. Other ways to participate are is through YouTube and my podcast that will be released soon! 

I am collecting stories of resilience and breakthrough. Join me in transforming the lives of women all over the world by sharing the faithfulness of God. Fill out the form below and more information will be sent to your email.