In His Love Prayer Gathering.

Pray with us.

An online prayer space hosted every week to learn how to pray effectively, strategically, and without ceasing. Whether you are a seasoned intercessor or new to praying, all are welcome. 

Day and Time: Coming soon

Meeting ID: 976 6699 0195

Password: abide

What is prayer?

Prayer is how we communicate with the Creator of the universe. You can learn more about prayer on the What is prayer? blog post. 

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

James 5:16

How can we pray for you?

Prayer is powerful. You don’t have to do life alone. We are here to pray with you and support you through this journey. If you are struggling and don’t want to go through life alone, we are here to pray for you. Please fill out the form with your prayer requests.

Created To Be Loved is seeking intercessors to join us in praying for revival. If you are not able to join events or participate in other ways, this is the perfect way to get involved with what God is doing through this ministry.

Fill out the form to get a list of prayer points that you can be praying for in this season. Your willingness to be a part of this journey with us is so appreciated!