Love Notes Guiding Questions

These questions are based on the recurring themes of Created To Be Loved which are: loving God, yourself, and others. they are guiding questions that are meant to help you find the direction that you want your story to go in. They are provided to encourage you to ask yourself and dig deeper. The goal of this exercise is to truly be vulnerable by sharing the intricate details of your heart, mind, and experiences.

Loving God

  • Do you have a relationship with God? if so, what is it like?

  • How have you experienced God’s love? How does he show you love?

  • What does falling in love with God look like?

  • Have you ever felt like God was absent or did not love you?

  • Share the blessings, miracles, breakthroughs, or challenges in your walk.

Loving yourself

  • How have you shown love, grace, kindness, and compassion to yourself?

  • In what ways have you struggled to love yourself?

  • Discuss strategies that have helped you learn to overcome challenges.

  • How have you grown in the last year(s)?

  • Discuss the areas in which you have felt shame, guilt, condemnation etc.

Loving others

  • In what ways have you loved others well?

  • How have you struggled to love others?

  • Discuss moments of comparison, conflict, hurt, or loss in relationships.

  • Pick people in your life that have inspired or empowered you.

  • How do you desire to be loved by others?


5 Prompts to Guide Your Story


Introduction to Love Notes