Rely on God’s Faithfulness

You are my strength, I watch for you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.
— Psalm 59:9

God knows what we are going through. He is not sitting idly by or turning His face from us. He is near, waiting for us to reach out for Him. 

He cares about you and your struggles. He wants you to trust Him with every little detail of your life. He wants to make decisions with you. He wants you to seek His face and inquire of Him. He wants you to lay everything down at His feet in surrender. 

He asks that we are fully dependent on Him. Not because He needs to control us but because He knows everything and wants to take care of us. Sometimes we can’t always see what’s ahead or the outcome of a situation. Yet, God already knows what’s going to happen. So we must rely on Him in everything. 

He ultimately knows what’s best for us.

 He knows what will make us grow or hurt us. 

He knows what will bring us joy or make us cry. 

He knows what sets our souls on fire and what snuffs out the flames. 

God knows every intricate detail about us and He loves us more than we could ever imagine. His love for us runs deeper than the ocean and higher than the heavens. 

So that means that…

When He tells us to move, we move. 

When He tells us to stay, we stay.  

This requires full trust, obedience, and dependence on our loving Dad. He has a beautiful story planned out for each of us where we can partner with Him in walking toward heaven together hand in hand. 

He can give us glimpses of where we are going but never the full story. That’s the beauty of being present and enjoying the processing of being human. We are living an adventure with the Creator of the universe! 

This should bring us excitement and joy instead of fear, anxiousness, and uncertainty. The enemy wants you to question God’s motives, lose trust, and remain in a place of feeling stuck or paralyzed in making decisions. There may be fear of man, people-pleasing, or intrusive thoughts that make you question whether God actually has your best interests at heart. 

I can assure you that He does. Jeremiah 29:11 mentions that He has plans to prosper us not to harm us. 

Jesus Himself walked a life of radical obedience to the point of His own death on the Cross. He chose to get tortured, mocked, and die a painful death for you and me so that we could have eternal life with our Dad. Jesus didn’t have to do that for us. He was fully man and fully God. He could have stopped it all in a moment but He chose to press on and rely fully on the Father’s will so that we may know Him. Jesus thought of us on the Cross. He saw your face while He was hanging there. He thought of how wonderful it would be for us all to live in perfect harmony, unity, and love in heaven as one family. He saw the vision of God’s will. He saw the bigger picture. He saw the purpose and meaning behind His actions. Most importantly, He did it because of love. He had a beautiful understanding of God’s love for humanity and that was enough evidence for Him to go through it for us. 

I don’t know what your life will look like if you obey God but I can tell you that it will be filled with more of His love, joy, and abundance of grace that will help you walk in this life with a sense of greater purpose, identity, and loving relationship with your loving Father. 

Therefore, my love note for you today is to do 5 things: 

Sit at His feet. Go to the secret place and spend intentional time with God. Share what burdens you, being honest, vulnerable, and transparent. Open your heart to receive His love and come expectant for Him to speak to you. 

Wait for Him to speak. Practice silence and solitude. Wait on the Lord’s timing, whether it may be hours, days, or longer. Don’t rush this time. This is an important time you won’t get back to sit in His presence and get to know His heart. 

Listen for His voice. Read the scriptures for guidance and ask for godly counsel with those who are fully submitted to the Lord. 

Pause before you move. When God reveals His decision or reveals the next step, do not be hasty to rush this process. Ask Him for timing and more information. Discern what is best through the Word, prayer, and other spiritual practices. 

Move with God. Make sure you are going at His pace. Don’t do anything out of your own will, strength, or emotions. Follow His lead and hold His hand. Sometimes He moves slowly and sometimes He expedites a situation. Trust Him either way and continue to do the above on a rotating basis. 

I pray this encouragement reminds you to rely on God’s faithfulness and not your own strength. John 15 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing,” which reminds us to stay dependent on the Lord in every part of life. It is His grace, mercy, and love that sustains us. Ask Him for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to do everything. 


No Greater Love


Mimi’s Story