Love Notes Blog Guidelines

Writing blogs for Love Notes can be so incredibly fun! There is so much that the Lord reveals to me on a daily basis. I want to extend the invitation to you to begin a journey of writing with the Lord. This is not a one-time event but an opportunity to be a part of what God is doing globally through Created To Be Loved. Partner with me by encouraging others through storytelling. The following guidelines are values for you to consider when writing on this blog. Each statement is a vital part of allowing people to feel seen, known, and loved by God.

Be encouraging.

We want to encourage others to not give up. When we lift each other up, God is honored.

Be honest.

We want to open the door to an honest conversation of real struggles women face in life. The more honest we are, the more someone else will have the opportunity to see themselves in your story and be encouraged.

Be vulnerable.

We want to embrace vulnerability so that others may feel brave enough to share their own stories. It helps others identify key struggles in their lives. Your story then becomes relatable, allowing the person to feel seen.

Be authentic.

We want to feel like we can relate to your story on a human to human level. We are imperfect people who struggle and fail sometimes and that is okay. People want to feel that they are not alone.

Be kind.

We want our readers to feel like they are talking to a sister or close friend who truly loves them. We want them to feel cared for by the Father through your words of encouragement, inspiration, wisdom, and compassion.

Be loving.

We want to express the fullness of God’s infinitely unconditional redeeming love. He does not condemn or shame others therefore, we should follow his example by speaking to our community with agape 1 Corinthians love.


Thank you for the cross


5 Prompts to Guide Your Story