You are loved


You are loved. There is no one else like you. God thought of you in His mind before He ever made you. He looked at you with love and dreamed of the day He would get to met you on earth. He waited patiently for your arrival. He knew you would come into the world as a human and experience brokenness, failure, and imperfections. Yet, He knew that those were not the sum of who He created you to be.

He created you to be bold and fearless. To have faith that can move mountains. To speak with a voice that holds authority but gentleness. To lead with grace but power. To look on others with compassion and empathy. To dance and laugh with joy. To create with beauty. Not setting your gaze on others’ opinions of you but fixing your eyes the One who loves you. 

You are loved because He calls you worthy. He crowns you with righteousness. You are holy: set apart and different from the others. You were not meant to be like them. You were created to be like God, made in His image, to worship the Creator of the universe. And you are deeply, profoundly loved by Him.

Love in action: Grab something to write with. Spending time listening to God and learning to hear His voice. Write down all of the ways that He demonstrates His love for you.


Don’t dim your light


Love God. Love Yourself. Love Others.