Aneta’s Story

One of my favorite quotes is Romans 8:18, “The pain you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” I’m originally from Chicago, IL, and was raised in a Catholic church. A struggle for me was that the dots didn’t connect. I always knew that staying close to God was important, but I needed help to learn more. In the middle of my high school years, I came across a friend who introduced me to a Christian-based Bible church, and from my first day there, I was hooked. I started to feel clarity again about who I was and how I could become the person I am called to be.

In my younger years, I lacked emotional intelligence and stability, and I was aware of that. I turned to God and asked for strength in those areas, but I quickly realized that when you ask for something, it doesn’t get handed to you on a gold platter. Instead, it comes in the form of challenges to see if you really mean what you want. Once I decided that I wanted to grow emotionally and mentally, I found myself in a relationship with a narcissist. At the beginning, everything seemed great, but as time went on, I was constantly being put in situations where I had two options: “fight" or “flight.”

After about two months of dating, my parents decided to officially sell my childhood home and move to a different state. I was 20 years old, not attending university, and didn’t want to move because I wanted to stay with my partner at the time. Moving in together after two months of dating seemed like the best option, so we did. Two days after we moved in together, I started cosmetology school. I enjoyed going to school every day because it was something I was passionate about, but it was also my escape from arguing and being gaslit every day by my partner.

I completed and graduated with a cosmetology degree in ten months, but during those ten months, we got engaged and married. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be getting married at 21, especially to him, but I did it anyway out of fear of being alone and from the negative things he drilled into my mind. After being together for a little over three years, I finally met some of his family in person. Once I met them, they gave me every reason why I needed to leave ASAP. After a few days of being around them, I packed all my personal belongings, left them at my parents' house, and started to explore the world through solo travel.

After three years in that relationship, I had never felt so much freedom as I did when I started traveling. After a few months of traveling, I decided to return to Chicago and give myself the Chicago experience I had always desired. At 23, I found myself filing for divorce, and it was a huge relief to legally be getting out of that relationship. About a year after living in Chicago, I finally started working at my dream salon as a hairstylist. After about eight months, I was informed that they were letting me go. It didn’t make sense at the time, but I kept my head up and trusted in God’s plan over mine.

Three days after being let go, I made the decision to book a one-way ticket to a country I had never been to and didn’t speak the language. I always told myself, “If it works out, it’s God’s direction, and if it doesn’t, it was His protection.” After three weeks, I got my current life in Chicago situated and haven’t looked back. I truly enjoyed every moment of my beauty career, but when God says it’s time to move, then it’s time to move. Sometimes He does it in random ways because if He doesn’t push us, we would never do it.

At the age of 24, I found myself starting over with everything: a new city, a new country, a new career, a new language to learn, and new social circles. But one thing remained the same—God, who was guiding me through it all. Since moving and starting this new chapter of my life, I decided to write a book and self-publish it. I created a 31-day positive affirmations book and gratitude journal because I firmly believe that everything begins with the conversations you have in your mind. My goal now is to share my lessons and experiences through my writing, because if I went through those tough times, others have too. It’s important for me to help create a safe and supportive community for other women. “Trust in His plan and don’t grow weary in doing well because, in due time, you will reap your harvest if you don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9).


Blooming with Self Love Book:


You Are Clean


Thank you for the cross