You Are Clean

You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.
— John 15:3

You are not your sin. 

The enemy wants you to see yourself as a dirty sinner who will never be enough to receive love, forgiveness, and fullness of God’s love. 

That is a LIE. 

You are not what you do. 

You are not your mistakes and failures. 

You are not your past. 

Your sin does not define who you are. 

I thought of this one day as I was getting ready. When you take a shower, you come into the bathtub dirty. After you take a shower, you are clean. You feel awake, alert, and content with your current state. Each day, you take a shower again and repeat the cycle. Never once when you shower each day, do you believe that your identity is a dirty person. People do not judge you for showering each day. 

It is not who you are but what you do. It is simply a part of the process of cleanliness that comes with taking care of ourselves as humans. 

When you first come to God before knowing Him and you give your heart to Jesus, you become clean. He forgives you of your sins and your identity becomes solidified in Christ. If you sin again, you repent (which means to turn away from sin) and you are forgiven again. It’s simple. 

Somewhere along the journey, we are deceived by the devil in believing that each time we sin, we are dirty sinners who are unworthy. We feel guilt, shame, and condemnation. We run away from Jesus because we do not believe that He will forgive us or demonstrate His grace towards us. We believe that He will condemn us Himself. 

Maybe we have put on the attributes of our earthly parents, friends, or church leaders, or other figures in our lives who we trusted to care for us but instead made us feel small, neglected, rejected or not loved in the way we needed. We believed that if people can treat us harshly, Jesus would too. 

But that’s not true. 

Jesus says that you are already clean. He has spoken over you since before you were even born. He chose you before creation (Jeremiah 5:1). He knew you before anything existed. He loved you before time began (John 17:24). He called you clean, righteous, whole, healed, loved, and gave you identity. 

When you put on righteousness, you can never take it off (Romans 1:17). It is not something that you strive for, it is who you are. You are righteous (Romans 5:1). You are a child of God. 

Jesus doesn’t see you are dirty. He sees you as clean and made new because you have been covered by the precious blood of Jesus. His blood has made us white as snow (Isaiah 1:18) and His love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). 

John 15 encourages us to remain in Jesus. If you remain in Him, you will never have to question your worth again. Your identity will always be secure. 

I know who I am and I know whose I am. I have full security in my identity because of the word Jesus has spoken to me. This did not happen overnight. For years, I lived in shame, guilt, and condemnation. I was tormented in my mind when I would sin. I would not be able to go to God. I felt a sense of unworthiness when I would approach Him. Now, I confidently go to Him when I make a mistake. I have not felt shame or condemnation in months. I have been set free from this because I had a beautiful revelation of who I am and the relationship I have with my loving Father. He will never put me to shame (Romans 10:11) nor forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:8) and His plans are only to prosper not to harm me (Jeremiah 29:11). 

The Word of God is what washes us clean (Ephesians 5:26). It is what gives us identity and the power to overcome trials. We have the power as children of God to rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus when he tries to tell us anything that goes against God’s heart for His children. Take your authority as rightful heirs to the throne (Colossians 1:12) and speak life over your circumstance. 

My love note for you is to read the Word of God and meditate on it day and night. 


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Aneta’s Story