Joy’s Story

Well, I guess my story starts at 17, when I denounced Him and chose the world. My life took a turn then. It suddenly became all about me. Then came the late nights, the drugs and the lovers. And then came the diagnosis of bipolar disorder type 1. And with the diagnoses came the medication. I was caught in a downward spiral of medication, sinful living, hopelessness and running away. 

I finally had enough of my life and ran all the way to Humboldt County. There, I was kidnapped under a shotgun by my ex-boyfriend. He took me to the Oregon mountains and it was there that I first experienced God. I can’t explain exactly but I could almost hear people back home praying for me. My ex-boyfriend turned himself in after 3 days and I ended up back home. 

Back home, a friend showed me much kindness and accepted me without judgment. I asked her one day, “Why do you believe in God?” She responded with, “I think everything was created out of Love.” That spoke to me, the simplicity and clarity of it, I wanted to believe in it. She was Christian and she explained why she was Christian to me so I decided to believe in Jesus too. I got baptized at a Lutheran church with a bit of water on my forehead in the shape of a cross. But I still lived in sin, still taking medication and still running away from my problems. 

I met Kathaleen at my clinic that provided psychiatric services. Through her, I met Jina who taught me repentance from the Bible, gave me the gospel and asked me if I was ready to be baptized under water. I told her, “I can’t live the way I’ve been living anymore.” I was ready but I had no idea what God was capable of doing in my life. I was baptized on the 5th of November and I came out of that water a new creation baptized not only with water but also the Holy Spirit. My life changed pretty quickly after my baptism. I stopped going to the local pool hall where I spent late nights, did drugs and debauchery. I quit smoking. I went to fellowships. Then, I started reading the bible and praying on my own. 

But I wasn’t completely free yet. 

With a leap of faith, I got off medication. I fully depended on God and lived the way He commanded me to through the Word. I have never felt so light, confident and secure. I think this is where I truly found my identity in Christ. 

I live now, free and abundant in Christ. 

Thank You Jesus. 

Love Note: 

My Love Note to you all would be, three verses that I’ve held onto and still hold onto till this day. The first is, Proverbs 24:16, 

“For a righteous man may fall seven times 

And rise again”

This verse has been comforting to me, especially because I used to get severely depressed and suicidal due to dwelling on my failures. But the Bible literally tells us, a righteous man does not give up. It’s not about how many times we fail, it’s about getting back up. Don’t ever give up. 

The second is, John 3:30, 

“He must increase, but I must decrease” 

I find that it is when I decrease that I am victorious. It is when I increase that I trip over myself. Decreasing is powerful. Because you are not all powerful, God is. He is "the main attraction" (Highest Praise by MBL Worship), not you. 

The third is, Matthew 6:33, 

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” 

Once your focus is redirected to the eternal, not this world, this verse comes true. I found that applying this verse to my life God has provided everything and more, beyond my understanding. It has also freed me from my wants and needs. What I need is second to the kingdom of God. What I want, all of a sudden, has no meaning. He truly is my Daily Bread, my Living Water. 

Thank you for reading. I pray this is of help to you. I pray you see how much God loves me and you. 

As always, thank You Jesus. 


Joy Hong 

My instagram is @fr33andabundant. 

My website and blog is

Check it out.


God’s love covers a multitude of sins


Aine’s Story