God’s love covers a multitude of sins

God is not afraid of your mistakes. He is not mad at you. He is your Dad who is so proud of you. He sees the tears that you have shed. He sees the times you get back up after you fall. Even when you mess up, His love for you never ends. It never decreases. His love covers your past, present, and future. It is ever-present in times of trouble, grief, confusion, or anger. Whatever you are struggling with, God’s love can cover it all. You never have to worry about God’s love leaving you when you mess up. Even the most horrible things you have done are covered by the love of Jesus. 

Don’t let the enemy remind you of the sin you have committed in your past. Don’t let him condemn you and make you feel shame or guilt. Satan wants to make you feel like you are worthless, not good enough, stupid, shameful, unwanted, unlovable, and unseen. He will remind you of all of your mistakes and failures. He will try to leave you feeling empty and insecure. His aim is to steal, kill, and destroy your life, dreams, hope, love, joy, and everything else you hold dear. That is the reality of his mission for your life. 

None of that is from the Lord. God’s purpose is to set you free so that you may live a life of abundance in relationship with Him. He wants to keep you safe in His arms. He will demonstrate His love to you over and over again until you finally believe that Jesus loves you with a faithful love that is not from here but from heaven. He came to earth to reveal the Father and show you His love even unto death. His sacrifice was the greatest form of love humanity will ever encounter. And He did it for you. So that you may experience the love of the Father that surpasses every other form of love you have ever dreamed of. Now, your mistakes, failures, disappointment, and struggles are all covered by the precious blood of Jesus. His love gave you full access to the Creator of love who makes all things new, bringing restoration, healing, and reconciliation so that we may walk in righteousness. His love has made you holy, clean, pure, and perfect in the eyes of God. 

It is not a love that you can earn or deserve. It is a beautiful unconditional love that is a gift that is freely given. All you have to do is receive His agape love that keeps no record of wrongs and if absolutely perfect. Let Him show you how to love again. Not like the world loves but through His perfect lens of true love that never fails. 

If you feel like you are living under shame, guilt, condemnation, or any other form of bondage, that is not your portion. God wants to see you free. He wants to deliver you from the hands of the enemy and give you a new life in His love. Through His mercy and grace, you get to have access to the fullness of His love without paying any price. All you have to do is close your eyes and open your hands to receive Jesus into your heart. That is the beautiful door that can unlock your greatest desires. It’s simple. Just say yes to His love and it will be yours forever.


Selena’s Story


Joy’s Story