Selena’s Story

My name is Selena Mariaca and I am 30 years old. Growing up, I had a rough childhood. I went through a lot of abuse, especially emotional abuse. I never really had a normal life due to being conceived through rape. It was always hard for me.

As I went into my teenage years, I did everything I could to simply not live anymore. Even though I went to church and got baptized when I was 17, on May 6, 2011 I attempted suicide. I decided to wake up and take over 50 pills. I did not tell anyone what I had done. I went to school and finished up my oaks test. This test was a requirement in order to graduate high school. Although I was under the medication I was on I still passed my test! I was surprised and I thanked God. I took this as a sign from him to keep going and live! 

I went to my school counselor and she called the ambulance immediately. When I was in the hospital I was told that I was dying. I asked the doctor what that level was and he said 151. I will always be grateful to God for saving me and allowing me to get the treatment I needed. The hospital transferred me to a place called Albertina Kerr. 

From that point forward, I changed my life completely around. I have been successful in my life. I’m married, have 3 children and we own our home. I have my degree in early childhood education and have had many jobs working with children. I was also a nursery caregiver to children for 5 years. I am now going to be volunteering at my home church as a teacher in children’s ministry. I believe this is my gift from God to continue being there for children. 

Remember that God gives us these battles, hardships, and blessings, but he will never leave us. Even on your  darkest days God will lift you up. If God is with me, who can be against me! Keep going!


Introduction to Love Notes


God’s love covers a multitude of sins