Prophetic Jewelry: Peace in the desert of your mind bracelet


This prophetic bracelet has been prayed over and made with God’s love.  Each bracelet is uniquely made for a chosen individual who is being called by God. He made this bracelet just for you so that you may know that He is the God who sees you, knows you, and loves you. 

Each bracelet touches on one or more of the foundational pillars of this business: encounter God’s redeeming love, experience radical healing, discover your unique identity, walk confidently in your purpose, and foster lasting sisterhood. 

When you wear this bracelet, think about the word written below and meditate on what God is speaking to you about in this season. Pray and ask Him to reveal more of Himself to you and demonstrate the power of His great love and miraculous wonders. Have faith my dear friend that Jesus will heal, redeem, and restore everything that is broken. This is just the beginning of your journey. 

Pillar: Experience radical healing

Scripture: Genesis 16

Prophetic word: 

Your mind feels like a battle field sometimes. You feel like you are trapped in a desolate desert without any direction. You can’t see which way to go. It’s hot, you are thirsty, and your soul longs for more. Your soul is thirsty for the true and living God. I sense the Lord saying, “There is breakthrough coming. I will provide a spring in the desert. I will renew your mind. I will make those dry places spring up with wells of living water. You will have peace in the desert. It will turn into a beautiful garden where flowers will spring up in springtime. You will no longer fear the future. You will no longer dread the past. You will walk with power and dignity towards the promises I have for you. I have not forgotten you my love. I adore you. Come to me so that you may be filled and thirst no more. There is power when you call on my name. Come to me and I will give you rest.” 

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This prophetic bracelet has been prayed over and made with God’s love.  Each bracelet is uniquely made for a chosen individual who is being called by God. He made this bracelet just for you so that you may know that He is the God who sees you, knows you, and loves you. 

Each bracelet touches on one or more of the foundational pillars of this business: encounter God’s redeeming love, experience radical healing, discover your unique identity, walk confidently in your purpose, and foster lasting sisterhood. 

When you wear this bracelet, think about the word written below and meditate on what God is speaking to you about in this season. Pray and ask Him to reveal more of Himself to you and demonstrate the power of His great love and miraculous wonders. Have faith my dear friend that Jesus will heal, redeem, and restore everything that is broken. This is just the beginning of your journey. 

Pillar: Experience radical healing

Scripture: Genesis 16

Prophetic word: 

Your mind feels like a battle field sometimes. You feel like you are trapped in a desolate desert without any direction. You can’t see which way to go. It’s hot, you are thirsty, and your soul longs for more. Your soul is thirsty for the true and living God. I sense the Lord saying, “There is breakthrough coming. I will provide a spring in the desert. I will renew your mind. I will make those dry places spring up with wells of living water. You will have peace in the desert. It will turn into a beautiful garden where flowers will spring up in springtime. You will no longer fear the future. You will no longer dread the past. You will walk with power and dignity towards the promises I have for you. I have not forgotten you my love. I adore you. Come to me so that you may be filled and thirst no more. There is power when you call on my name. Come to me and I will give you rest.” 

This prophetic bracelet has been prayed over and made with God’s love.  Each bracelet is uniquely made for a chosen individual who is being called by God. He made this bracelet just for you so that you may know that He is the God who sees you, knows you, and loves you. 

Each bracelet touches on one or more of the foundational pillars of this business: encounter God’s redeeming love, experience radical healing, discover your unique identity, walk confidently in your purpose, and foster lasting sisterhood. 

When you wear this bracelet, think about the word written below and meditate on what God is speaking to you about in this season. Pray and ask Him to reveal more of Himself to you and demonstrate the power of His great love and miraculous wonders. Have faith my dear friend that Jesus will heal, redeem, and restore everything that is broken. This is just the beginning of your journey. 

Pillar: Experience radical healing

Scripture: Genesis 16

Prophetic word: 

Your mind feels like a battle field sometimes. You feel like you are trapped in a desolate desert without any direction. You can’t see which way to go. It’s hot, you are thirsty, and your soul longs for more. Your soul is thirsty for the true and living God. I sense the Lord saying, “There is breakthrough coming. I will provide a spring in the desert. I will renew your mind. I will make those dry places spring up with wells of living water. You will have peace in the desert. It will turn into a beautiful garden where flowers will spring up in springtime. You will no longer fear the future. You will no longer dread the past. You will walk with power and dignity towards the promises I have for you. I have not forgotten you my love. I adore you. Come to me so that you may be filled and thirst no more. There is power when you call on my name. Come to me and I will give you rest.”