God Cares About the Details

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 

1 Peter 5:7

I want you to know that God deeply cares about you. 

He does not just care about your life as a whole but about the little details of your life that are important to you. If it matters to you, it certainly matters to your loving Father who puts those dreams, hopes, and aspirations in your heart. 

God is a loving Father who gives us good gifts and is so faithful to keep His promises. 

He will never abandon you. 

He will never forsake you. 

He will never reject you. 

He will never neglect you. 

He will never be disappointed in you. 

He will never call you a failure. 

He will never look at you with shame.

He will never regret that He made you. 

God did not make any mistakes when He made you. He did not try to take out the “bad partsbefore He was done making you. He did not look at His masterpiece with disgust or believe you are unworthy. He did not speak lies, death, insecurity, or condemnation over you. He did not throw the first version away and make a new one that was “better.”

God took His time with you. He enjoyed every moment of the process. He was not in a rush. He has been patient with you since the beginning, waiting for you to come to Him. God has always delighted in you, from beginning to the very end. 

God made you in His perfect love. Therefore, He looks at you with perfection because of the blood of Jesus. Every part of your design was intentional and specific to who He created you to be. 

Your smile. 

The way your hair flows. 

The way you walk and speak. 

The way that you laugh. 

Your creativity and intelligence. 

Your empathetic heart that breaks for people and makes you cry when someone is hurting. 

Your sensitivity and nurturing spirit. 

God made no mistakes with you, friend. He knew exactly what He was doing when He made you. God fell deeply in love with you when He did. You are His precious creation that He will never discard but instead display on the wall for everyone to see because He is proud of what He has created. 

You are a work in progress but He doesn’t see your mistakes today. He sees the finished work of the Cross. He sees you prophetically in the Spirit as the person that you already are in Heaven, seated in with Christ (Ephesians 2:6). We live in time but God lives outside of time. Therefore, you are already who you will become. You just haven’t met her yet but God has. He loves every single version of you through this journey of redeeming love. He chose you from the beginning. 

Just as we came from His loving arms, that is exactly where we are going back to. Jesus died on the Cross and resurrected to give us eternal life to restore us back to our Dad so that we could walk toward the garden where we have always belonged. 


Felicia’s Story


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