Love God. Love Yourself. Love Others.

Dear friend,

If you are experiencing a sense of unworthiness, you are not alone. There are countless women out there feeling the same way you do. I know that you have big emotions and they can feel overwhelming at times. It might feel like everything is closing in on you and you can’t breathe. When this happens, put your hand on your heart. Do you hear that? That’s your heartbeat. That means that you are still alive. God has a purpose for your life. He will not let you down or let go of your hand. He is there with you, every step of the way. Even in those times when you don’t have anyone else around you, God is there. You are so loved.

You are love because we are made in the image of our Creator. That is what you are. That is who you are. You are love because you are made out of God’s infinite and abundant love. It is your essence. If you carry this incredible capacity to love then you are able to love yourself the way that God loves you. That’s the next step. Don’t allow the lies of the enemy to steal your purpose. You are meant for greatness.  

If you are full of His love, then that means you cannot only receive love but give that same love to others around you and share the gifts inside of you with those who need you. I’m sure you can think of at least one person who could use that type of agape love right now. This is your opportunity to make someone feel special. Remember moments in your life when you felt unworthy and use that to empower you to serve others. Our community is about being empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve others through the love of Jesus.

So the formula is simple:

Love God.

Love yourself.

Love others.




You are loved


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